The Black Angels Project is a fine art concept created to display genuine, and pure human emotions of Black children, women, men, and families. A photo book named The Perception of Purity features original poetry and creative photography from this project. The Perception of Purity was self published in March of 2018.

The lack of imagery depicting Black people as angelic beings reflect a broader issue of underrepresentation in religious and cultural iconography. Historically, art has predominantly portrayed angels with European features, reinforcing a limited view of divine beauty and purity. This exclusion perpetuates stereotypes and marginalizes African spiritual expression. The absence of Black angels in art and media denies Black people the opportunity to see themselves in sacred, uplifting roles. Addressing this gap through diverse depictions of angels can affirm the spiritual dignity of all people, fostering inclusivity and a broader, richer cultural narrative.

Email contact - info@theblackangelsproject.com